Boys' Powerlifting Regional Results

The Boys' Regional Powerlifting meet was in Arp, Texas, this past Saturday. Four of the five THS lifters medaled in the meet. One qualified for the State meet in Abilene, Texas, and the others had a lot of PR's in their respective lifts. The coaches could not be more proud of the way these young men represented Troup as a school and a community.

John Allen  165 class   5th place
Brett Wells   181 class  4th place  *Hit qualifying total   *State Qualifier
Juan Salinas   198 class  5th place
Caden Starkey  220 class  4th place
Ethan Ontiveros 123 class   8th place
The coaching staff would like to thank all the boys who competed this year and as a group did an amazing job. Thank you to the parents for allowing us to coach these young men and be involved in their lives.
Thank you to the Administration and Coach Wells for their unwavering support of the powerlifting program.
Special thank you to our Seniors who participated this year. Ethan Ontiveros, Cason Nichols, and Thor Keating.
state qualifier powerlifter
regional powerlifter medalists
regional powerlifting