Classroom Highlights

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The TCEA Conference was great!  We learned so many new things to bring back to the classrooms.
TCEA collage
Mrs. Travis' 8th grade Science students explored the universe, the phases of the moon and the life cycle of a star before examining the electromagnetic spectrum.
travis class
Mrs. Lovelady's 6th grade Science classes took a closer look at different types of energy and how they are produced with VR viewers.
loveladys class
Mr. Howard's classes visited Ellis Island.  They learned about immigration to the United States in the 1800's and the lives of immigrants in new cities by using VR viewers and the Google Expeditions app!
howards class
Mrs. Lowry's students took a virtual field trip to the 7 Wonders of the World, explored the ocean near the Florida Keys and visited landmarks all around the United States with the help of VR viewers and Google Expeditions!
lowry's classes
Mrs. Steen's Culinary Arts students have perfected their knowledge of yeast dough by using Gimkit.  Students compete to earn top dollar with speed and accuracy, while purchasing upgrades and sabotaging opponents.steens class
Students have used Google Classroom as one avenue to receive instruction or complete and turn in assignments for Mrs. Goode and Mr. Thomas.goode and thomas class
Students have used FlipGrid to record video responses for lots of different tasks:  explaining vocabulary in Texas History for Mrs. Goode, showing reading comprehension for Mrs. Coon, and practicing verbal English language for Mrs. Tate.flipgrid screen shots